Shadow Yoga Group Classes

Monday & Friday classes available via Zoom. Meeting ID & password below:


MONDAY     8:30AM - 9:45 AM

Yoga Studio, 62 St. George’s Bay Road, Parnell

$20 drop-in.

THURSDAY     9:15AM - 10:15 AM

*This class is geared to elderly practitioners and those with special needs. Focus will be on joint-freeing warm-ups, basic leg strengthening, balance poses, warm-downs and savasana.

Yoga Studio, 62 St. George’s Bay Road, Parnell

$20 drop-in.


FRIDAY     8:30AM - 9:45 AM

Yoga Studio, 62 St. George’s Bay Road, Parnell

$20 drop-in.


ZOOM link: Monday & Friday classes

Meeting ID: 996 816 3739

Passcode: yoga


Suggested Donation: $20

Bank details below:


Reference: Yoga

Classes are open and appropriate for most levels of practitioner.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.